¡O aprenda más sobre el impacto de los días familias en este video de la directora estatal de Juntos, Gina! / Or learn more about the impact of family days in this video from Statewide Juntos Director, Gina!
Después de una cuidadosa consideración y escuchar los comentarios de nuestra comunidad, hemos tomado la difícil decisión de realizar la transición de nuestro próximo programa del Día Familiar Juntos el sábado 17 de mayo de 2025 a un formato totalmente virtual. Esta decisión no fue fácil, pero la seguridad y el bienestar de nuestros participantes siguen siendo nuestra principal prioridad.
After careful consideration and listening to feedback from our community, we have made the difficult decision to transition our upcoming Juntos Family Day program on Saturday May 17th, 2025 to a fully virtual format. This decision was not easy, but the safety and well-being of our participants remain our top priority.
El día de familia de OSU Juntos es un evento diseñado para que los estudiantes de secundaria y preparatoria, con sus familias, experimenten la universidad estatal de Oregon, aprendan sobre los recursos estudiantiles y escuchen sobre los diversos caminos hacia la educación superior. El objetivo principal del Día de la Familia es brindarles a las familias una instantánea de la vida universitaria. El evento de este año ofrecerá sesiones virtuales de acceso a la universidad con información de las 12 universidades de OSU, ayuda financiera, admisiones y apoyo para transferencias, con recorridos por el campus y un panel de estudiantes y padres. El evento es gratuito e incluye un "kit de evento" especial con actividades, suministros, materiales, obsequios y tarjetas de regalo para el almuerzo; los coordinadores locales se encargarán de entregárselos antes del evento.
OSU Juntos Family Day Is an event designed to bring middle and high school students, with their families, to experience Oregon State University, learn about student resources, and hear about the various pathways to higher education. The driving goal behind Family Day is to give families a snapshot of college life. This year’s event will offer virtual college access sessions with information from the 12 colleges of OSU, financial aid, admissions, and transfer support, with campus tours and a student/parent panel! The event is free and includes a special ‘event kit’ with activities, supplies, materials, giveaways, and gift cards for lunch; local coordinators will arrange to get these to you before the event.
Gracias a todos los que hacen posible este evento, incluidos todos nuestros programas y colegios asociados y, especialmente, nuestros patrocinadores /Thank you to everyone making this event possible, including all of our partnering programs and colleges, and—especially—our sponsors:
Statewide Juntos Director
Cell: 541-720-0428
Event Manager
Cell: 503-970-7399
Transferring from a community college to a university can seem daunting, but it doesn’t have to be. Open Campus coordinators are here to help map out your transfer goals and connect you to transfer resources and information. Community College Transfer Support includes degree planning, campus tours, and a library of informational videos.
Through texts, we share college scholarship opportunities, scholarship application tips, and more to students and parents! Learn about scholarship application tips and tricks, notices of upcoming scholarships, scholarship essay hints, where to locate scholarships, and more!
This comprehensive guide offers information, resources, tools, and contacts related to: High school checklists; Financial aid and scholarships; 4-year and community colleges; Transfer programs; Career development; Letters of recommendation; And more!
Open Campus and Juntos provide local access to education through community-based partnerships and unique programming, meeting needs of the Oregon communities
we serve
Oregon State University Extension Service prohibits discrimination in all its programs, services, activities, and materials on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, sex, gender identity (including gender expression), sexual orientation, disability, age, marital status, familial/parental status, income derived from a public assistance program, political beliefs, genetic information, veteran’s status, reprisal or retaliation for prior civil rights activity. (Not all prohibited bases apply to all programs.)