We provide support for students before, during, and after the process of transferring from a community college to OSU or another university.
Please reach out with questions or to set up a meeting! We can help with selecting community college courses that transfer into your major, finding ways to pay for college, and helping you feel at home at college.
Our team has written several articles with helpful tips on the transfer process. Check out this article on What to Consider while at Community College and this article on Once You Know Where You Want to Transfer.
We have Open Campus and Juntos coordinators across the state to work with you on the transfer process. Find the closest coordinator to you and reach out to set up an appointment. We also have a dedicated Oregon State transfer point of contact page!
Our Open Campus and Juntos Coordinator in Washington County is based at Portland Community College (PCC), Rock Creek. In 2020, a PCC student approached our Coordinator for transfer support on their journey to OSU.
This student had been awarded the Finley Scholarship at OSU for the Fall term. However, this student didn’t plan to transfer to OSU until the Spring term.
The student was concerned they might lose the scholarship, but our Open Campus Coordinator helped them navigate the systems at PCC and OSU.
As of the 2021-2022 academic year, this student is majoring in Computer Science with the support of the Finley scholarship!
Open Campus and Juntos provide local access to education through community-based partnerships and unique programming, meeting needs of the Oregon communities
we serve
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