
Open Campus Hangouts

12th Grade College Readiness Curriculum 

Your students are welcome to join us for a unique take on college access as part of their high school curriculum: A conversational college readiness series wherein seniors will have the opportunity to meet, hear from, and ask questions to current students attending college. Students will get a brief “how to” on each topic, as well as the actual perspective and experiences from their college-going peers.

This is a virtual, weekly, one-hour series intended to be built into high school curriculum. After each conversation, students will be provided with the slides and a link to a College Talk Tuesday webinar on the presented topic from a university professional for optional, additional viewing.

We currently ended our last cohort, but will be launching another series soon, or contact us to start one in your schoool!

Topics and Dates: 

  • Session 1: Introductory Session and General College Q&A
  • Session 2: Types of Colleges and Degrees
  • Session 3: How to Finance Higher Education
  • Session 4: Applications
  • Session 5: Housing, Jobs, and Time Management
  • Session 6: Stress and Virtual School Management (or topic of students’ choosing)
  • Session 7: Open Forum 

DidgetteMcCracken-1To join this cohort, or arrange for a future series:
Didgette McCracken
, 541-620-1465
View Didgette's webpage here