washington county


Open Campus and Juntos offers local programming and educational support for Pre-Kindergarten through 12th Grade students, university and community college students, adult learners, and members of the Washington County community. 


Washington County Featured Programs

Juntos (meaning “together” in Spanish) works to empower families around education. Juntos is designed to provide families with knowledge, skills, and resources to prevent youth from dropping out of high school, and to encourage families to work together to gain access to college.
Transfer Student Support
Becky is here to make transferring from the community college to a university as easy as possible. Please reach out to schedule a meeting. She is available in-person or online for appointments.
Open Campus Resources
PASOS Colegiales|College STEPS
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Academia Juntos 2025
Applications are now open!
Apply here!


Interested in Washington County Juntos? 

Washington County Juntos Page

Team Members

Ezequiel-circlecropEzequiel Lopez-Reyes


Metro Region Open Campus & Juntos Coordinator

Visit Ezequiel's Page


BeckyMunn-1Becky Munn


Metro Region Open Campus Coordinator

Visit Becky's Page



Yesenia Rivera-Rodriguez


Juntos Program Assistant



Explore Other Open Campus Programs


Juntos (meaning “together” in Spanish) is designed to empower high school students and their parents to gain the knowledge, skills, and resources needed for academic success while working together to make college a family goal. Uniting with community partners, Juntos provides culturally relevant programming for 6-12th grade students and their parents

College Access

Open Campus is here to support students throughout their education journey. College Access programs include Future Pathways, College Talk Tuesdays, Open Campus Hangouts, and College Access Summer Melt. Programs offer resources, mentoring, and advising to guide students throughout their college journey from high school through college graduation.

Transfer Student Support

Transferring from a community college to a university can seem daunting, but it doesn’t have to be. Open Campus coordinators can help map out your transfer goals and connect you to transfer resources and information. Community College Transfer Support includes degree planning, campus tours, and a library of informational videos.

Community Development and Engagement

Coordinators convene partners on important issues to increase economic well-being and community vitality while advocating for communities who have historically been excluded and marginalized. Community projects include Grant County CyberMills, adult diploma or GED completion programs, and the Rural Communities Explorer, a team of data experts who also provide a repository of statewide data.

Career Prep and Exploration

Open Campus believes in the power of providing tools and resources that will help students and job seekers achieve their long-term goals. From career exploration events to industry-specific career snapshots, we strive to provide job skills, opportunities, and pathways to our community. Our coordinators can also help with internships, resumés and cover letter guidance, trade school access, and connections to resources.

K-8th Grade Programs

Open Campus works with kindergarten, elementary, and middle school students to promote college and career access. To prepare students for success in college and beyond, Open Campus offers a variety of programs and support, including Juntos Afuera, summer STEM Camps, Tech Trek STEM Camp for 8th grade girls, Juntos Chemistry Camp, and Juntos for Middle School.


Follow the link below to Resources such as videos about college and careers, information about attending OSU, and our social media. 

And if you'd like to find out more about participating in any of our programs, select Get Involved to learn more!