Burnt River School District offers an online program for adults who would like to complete their high school diploma. Participants can work at their own pace, online and have the option to choose electives that meet graduation requirements. Upon completion of the program, graduates will receive their diploma through Burnt River School and can choose to walk with their class. The cost is $250 for the first class and $200 for each class thereafter.
Contact Didgette to find out more and get started!
Open Campus and Agriculture Faculty, Grant County
Cell: 541-620-1465
Transferring from a community college to a university can seem daunting, but it doesn’t have to be. Open Campus coordinators are here to help map out your transfer goals and connect you to transfer resources and information. Community College Transfer Support includes degree planning, campus tours, and a library of informational videos.
Through texts, we share college scholarship opportunities, scholarship application tips, and more to students and parents! Learn about scholarship application tips and tricks, notices of upcoming scholarships, scholarship essay hints, where to locate scholarships, and more!
This comprehensive guide offers information, resources, tools, and contacts related to: High school checklists; Financial aid and scholarships; 4-year and community colleges; Transfer programs; Dacamented/ Undocumented students; Career development; Letters of recommendation; And more!
Open Campus and Juntos provide local access to education through community-based partnerships and unique programming, meeting needs of the Oregon communities
we serve
Oregon State University Extension Service prohibits discrimination in all its programs, services, activities, and materials on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, sex, gender identity (including gender expression), sexual orientation, disability, age, marital status, familial/parental status, income derived from a public assistance program, political beliefs, genetic information, veteran’s status, reprisal or retaliation for prior civil rights activity. (Not all prohibited bases apply to all programs.)