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Interested in serving as a mentor for a Native American natural science undergrad participating in NBTS over the summer?  Fill out the MENTOR INTEREST form


NBTS educational events and resources 




May 23, 2024, 3:00 – 5:00 (zoom)


Indigenizing Education: Exploring the History of Indigenous Peoples and Education for Contemporary Understanding

Keynote: Dr. Chance White Eyes. OSU Director of Tribal Relations.

chance01 1Dr. Chance White Eyes is an enrolled member of the Oneida Tribe of Wisconsin and has Oglala Lakota ancestry. He received his undergraduate degree in Philosophy here at Oregon State University, and later his doctoral degree from the Critical and Socio-Cultural Studies in Education program at the University of Oregon. He was the program chair of the Native American Studies program at Southern Oregon University before returning to Oregon State University and is currently the Director of Tribal Relations in the Government Relations Office.

Dr. White Eyes will cover Lakota epistemologies and ways in which Indigenous youth were educated prior to colonization. History of Native peoples and western educational systems in this country, and the impacts they have on Native students and communities in a more contemporary space. 

Read Iktomi Methodology by Dr. Change White Eyes

The seminar will also feature:

Discussion panel with Native American students and recent graduates.

Overview of OSU resources serving Indigenous and Native American students with Christy Jones, OSU Native American & Indigenous Student Success Coordinator and Dr. Luhui Whitebear, OSU Professor of Indigenous Studies.

This virtual zoom training is intended for all interested faculty, mentors, intern supervisors, students, and all NBTS committee participants.



Past NBTS workshops:


May 25, 2023, 2:00 – 4:30 (zoom)


Cultivating Safe Spaces in Education

Facilitator, Jen Greenway aims to break down hierarchical spaces, and provide insight on how to move forward in an inclusive and reconciliatory approach, especially with Indigenous Peoples.

You will build Knowledge, professional resiliency, communication and conflict resolution skills and confidence to work from trauma informed facilitation techniques.                                                                                         


Jenelle Greenway (she/they) is a Two-Spirit Tahltan-Kaska writer, podcaster, and Indigenous Rights activist from the Yukon Territory. She is a member of the Talakoteena House of the Tahltan Nation and thus belongs to the Wolf Clan. Jen is a descendent of the last Great Chief Nanok through her late Grandmother Violet (Nehass) Greenway.

With a background in Indigenous Governance, she is passionate about decolonizing education and co-creating Knowledge, as well as providing tools and action plans for Indigenous and Settler folx to join reconciliation conversations and the LandBack movement. Her work as a writer and podcaster also makes her keen to teach the direct link between lateral violence and the lack of creativity, innovation and performance we see in ourselves and staff.

  • Opening statements with Dr. Cristina Eisenberg, Associate Dean for Inclusive Excellence, Maybelle Clark Macdonald Director of Tribal Initiatives in Natural Resources,
  • facilitated interactive sessions,
  • student discussion panel and
  • Cultivating Safe Spaces workbook.

Jen Greenway's Slides Cultivating Safe Spaces May 25, 2023

Cultivating Safe Spaces workbook PDF

Cultivating Safe Spaces info and link to 90-minute video


May 9, 2:00 – 4:00 (zoom)


Tribal History Shared History: Essential Understandings

of Native Americans in Oregon

Dr. Angie Morrill will guide the audience through the Oregon Department of Education’s Essential Understandings of Native Americans in Oregon.

These nine essential understandings have been created to serve as an introduction into the vast diversity of the Oregon Native American experience.


Dr. Angie Morrill is an enrolled member of the Klamath Tribes and holds a PhD in Ethnic Studies. She was the Director of Indian Education for Portland Public Schools for over five years and served on the American Indian/Alaskan Native State Advisory Council for the Oregon Department of Education.  She is the Tribal Chairperson for the Sapsik’wala (Teacher) Program at the College of Education at University of Oregon and currently works for the Klamath Tribes.



Co-Sponsored by Sea Grant

April 26th, 2022

Mentoring Indigenous Students in STEM and OSU Resources for Indigenous Students

Click the links to view session recordings on YouTube:

  • Dr. Luhui Whitebear (Director, OSU Kaku-Ixt Mana Ina Haws) and Christy Jones (Native American & Indigenous Student Success Coordinator) share resources and programs supporting Indigenous students on the Oregon State University campus, 2022.

Keynote: Dr. Sweeney Windchief will facilitate faculty insights into effectively mentoring Indigenous students, with a focus on the STEM fields. Dr. Sweeney Windchief is a member of the Fort Peck Tribes (Assiniboine) in Montana and serves as an Associate Professor in the Department of Education at Montana State University (MSU). He is a lead partner in the collaborative Indigenous Mentoring Program at MSU.


May 11th, 2021

Part 1: Introduction to Oregon’s Indigenous History

Click the links to view session recordings on YouTube:


May 20, 2021

Part 2: Mentoring Indigenous Students in STEM

Click the links to view session recordings on YouTube:



These virtual zoom trainings are intended for all interested faculty working with Native and Indigenous students, mentors, intern supervisors, students, and all NBTS committee participants.


NBTS Mentorship:

Are you interested in mentoring an NBTS student?  Mentor Interest Form HERE.

NBTS interns are expected to meet with a mentor throughout their internship. If students do not have a mentor, the Program Manager can help match interns with mentors.

In addition, NBTS program leaders are providing a training for intern mentors (and all interested faculty, program participants, and partners) to increase cultural awareness of Oregon Tribal history and effective mentoring of Native American students. Participating mentors also receive framework and tools for mentoring NBTS interns.

Who can be an NBTS mentor?

  • OSU faculty, staff or qualified graduate students,
  • SWOCC faculty and staff, and
  • Internship worksite supervisors hosting an NBTS-funded student. 

Essential NBTS mentor expectations:

  • Participate in the NBTS Mentor training zoom workshop in spring.
  • Meet with your mentee periodically over the summer during their internship (i.e. 2-4 x per month).
  • Participate in 3 cohort meetings during the summer.
  • Provide program evaluation feedback so that the NBTS can continue improving service to students and mentors. 

Program Coordinators

Bessie Bessie Joyce

   New Beginnings for Tribal Students Program Manager
   Cell: 541-743-6106 

Jeff-circlecropJeff Sherman

   Open Campus Program Leader 

DianaDiana Kaljumagi

   New Beginnings for Tribal Students Coordinator,

   Southwestern Oregon Community College 

Discover More

Transfer Assistance

Transferring from a community college to a university can seem daunting, but it doesn’t have to be. Open Campus coordinators are here to help map out your transfer goals and connect you to transfer resources and information. Community College Transfer Support includes degree planning, campus tours, and a library of informational videos.

Scholarship Text Series

Through texts, we share college scholarship opportunities, scholarship application tips, and more to students and parents! Learn about scholarship application tips and tricks, notices of  upcoming scholarships, scholarship essay hints, where to locate scholarships, and more!

College and Career Guide

This comprehensive guide offers information, resources, tools, and contacts related to: High school checklists; Financial aid and scholarships; 4-year and community colleges; Transfer programs; Dacamented/ Undocumented students; Career development; Letters of recommendation; And more!